What story are you telling yourself? What is your journey? What is your call to action? What mythology are you living? What skills and qualities are you developing right now to help you go forward? Who are your allies, your foes, and what are your own limitations?
The Path4Change method follows the Hero’s Journey - a model outlined by Joseph Campbell - to help you identify your calling, and take the steps required to express the highest version of yourself in service to your family, community and country.
On the Path4Change you use aspects of your own heroic self to find the courage, strength and inspiration to walk your path, no matter how challenging. When you take the time to become aware of the forces that are active in your life, and stop fighting against yourself, you can become open, more aligned with your calling. You may then receive the greatest gift: the support that comes from becoming who you truly are, the hero of your own journey.
The Hero's Journey
Your inner critic may prefer you ignore the hero part of yourself, and stay in the comfort zone, but there is no way to remain in that place for long.
It may be hard to hear that you are responsible for your own path and that you have to make your own choices. You may be listening to the inner critic who tends to blame, criticize or limit you, and who will try to sabotage the adventure ahead with statements like:
yes, but...
if only...
I can’t
That will never work...
Meanwhile your dreams continue to call, and the price you pay for ignoring your dreams continues to grow. You know that nagging depressive feeling you have? That is a consequence of ignoring your true path.
Here’s the message from your heart that you have been avoiding - You are the hero of your own journey. This journey takes you down a certain path, hopefully YOUR chosen path. My goal as your coach is to help you become aware of your calling, your highest self – and to help you stay committed to your highest self and and not put it off or avoid your path in life.
Change is constant, and heroic action is often asked of us. When you bring your inner hero into consciousness, you give it life.
“Energy flows where attention goes.”
Just reading this may help to awaken the inner hero within you. To add energy to your inner hero, start thinking about how you might think and act in different situations if you take on this hero role.
Visualization is a great way to start. Simply visualizing your inner hero will change your thinking and actions throughout the day. Your thoughts about yourself and what you are capable of will make a huge impact on your mood, success in relationships, and your ability to get things done and enjoy life. Yet if you’re like most people, you may overlook the importance of thinking positively.
This week I challenge you to make a conscious effort to focus on improving the way you view yourself, and the abilities that you already possess.
Tell a positive story
Take time to think about your best qualities. Think about your character, your success in relationships, or your career.
What are the best things about you? Don’t gloss over this step. Take the time to reflect on this, and make a written list. Come up with at least three to five qualities. This will describe aspects of your hero character.
Then ask yourself:
How can I be more heroic?
What are my values and virtues?
What is my next challenge or quest this week?
Who are my allies that will help?
Want a fun way to visually create your own hero character? Check out Hero Forge where you can design your own 3-D image of your hero self. It's free to render your character and download a snapshot.
The Heroic Version of Yourself
ARIA Intensive
Have you already uncovered your path, abilities, values and motivation? Are you ready to explore what is possible and begin taking steps and actions to make it happen?
The ARIA Intensive is not an overnight camp out – as change does not happen overnight. This is a journey that requires planning and real commitment to the process. This journey involves trial and error, focused action, experimentation, refinement, and flexibility. Together, we’ll create the action steps needed to bring your bold vision into life, and I’ll keep you accountable to your actions throughout.
During the 3-month intensive we’ll explore:
- The power of commitment.
- How to stretch beyond your comfort zone.
- How to use experimentation, failure and experience to gain momentum.
- Use of a system, checklist, and habit formation.
- How to engage your Internal and External Motivation Drives.
By the end of the intensive, you will have:
- Researched, tested, and experimented with ways to improve your life.
- Started taking steps on your preferred path.
- Created a clear system of effective daily habits and routines.
This Package is ideal for people who:
- Have some idea about where they are and where they want to go.
- Need direction, support and helpful tools to work through difficult phases.
- Want accountability and feedback while taking action steps on their journey.
- 12 One-hour phone or secure webcam conversations
- Weekly homework assignments tailored to your goals
- Unlimited email questions between sessions.
Start by scheduling a free 30 minute consultation